Saturday, December 4, 2010

11 Weeks - Thanksgiving

Thankgsiving and a much needed break from work finally arrived.  It is exhausting going through the first trimester, especially as a teacher.  I was looking forward to going home, going to the beach, relaxing, and eating good food.  Well....things don't always turn out as planned.  For the 6 weeks before Thanksgiving I had been going to bed by 9:00 every night due to pregnancy fatigue.  At home for Thanksgiving we had a full house - a noisy house.  Every night I found myself staying up until at least 12:00 which was making me feel sick.  On top of this I got a cold accompanied by full-on laryngitis.  I felt like crap.  On Thanksgiving I ate dinner and then Becca, Ross, Jessica, and Stacey decided we should watch the Beyonce concert that was on TV.  I quickly fell asleep on the couch and was woken by a hot flash.  For those of you that know this is not a good feeling, not good at all.  So, I asked my "loving family" to turn the volume down on the TV as I also had a pounding headache.  They refused.  Bad move.  They received the full wrath of my pregnancy hormones which included me throwing the remote control and cursing them out.  I then went to the bathroom and threw up for the first time in my pregnancy.  My dad found me in bed hysterical crying and tried to calm me down.  That didn't work so he ran for help - mom.  The hot flash finally passed and I instantly felt better.  I went back out to watch more of the concert and everyone was freaked out.  I can't wait for them to be pregnant - they have no idea what it's like and they were not helpful!  Needless to say I was not too sad to return to North Carolina.  During this first trimester I think it's best to stay away from houses that are overcrowded and noisy.  I really appreciate my nice quiet space with Marc and Suki.  Thanksgiving made me realize just how amazing Marc has been in taking care of me.  There have been many times that I've felt so sick that I can barely take care of myself and he is there to do whatever he can.  I love you Marc!
***And - I never went to the beach :(  It was cloudy every day.

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