Saturday, December 4, 2010

12 weeks! December 2

We were scheduled to have a nurse's visit at the doctor's office on December 2.  This visit was supposed to only inlude things like family history, basic blood tests, and going over our insurance coverage.  Well, I had been having a bad stomachache for a week and it was making me nervous.  So the doctor agreed that I should have another ultrasound just to make sure everything was ok.  I assumed the ultrasound would look like the first one - I was totally wrong!  This ultrasound was connected to a huge TV which was nice.  As soon as the sonographer turned it on we saw the baby, which actully looked like a baby, flipping and turning all over the place.  It was incredible!  First the baby's head was on the left, then it was on the right....first Mincy was on her/his stomach and then on its back.  The baby didn't stop moving the entire time!  Also, the baby really looked like a baby.  During the first ultrasound Mincy looked like a peanut but now we could clearly see a face, arms, feet, legs - crazy!  From head to "rump" Mincy is 2 inches long which is ideal.  Mincy measured in the 50th percentile for size!  Yay Mincy!  The heartbeat was 164 this time so again everything looked great.  It turned out I was just suffering from terrible heartburn which although painful was wonderful news.  Some of the other pain I had was round ligament pain which was aggravated by all the coughing I was doing from my Thanksgiving cold.  I was so relieved that everything was ok I decided to tell everyone at work I was pregnant.  Everybody was so excited, especially my class.  A few people said they thought I was pregnant because of all the times they've seen me slumped over in a chair falling asleep.  I'm glad I could put all the rumors to rest and share my good news with everyone!

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