Friday, February 25, 2011

January 27; 20 weeks

Today was our 20 week checkup.  We had our ultra-sound and found out we are having a BOY!  It was such an incredible experience.  As soon as the ultrasound tech turned on the machine you could see it, plain as day, a penis!  More importantly, we found out everything is looking great with baby.  We saw his brain, heart, spine, and measured anything and everything we could.  He is in the 25th% for size and everything looked great.  We are having a boy and he’s perfect!  We are so happy to be 20 weeks in and have everything looking so good.  We’re half way there!  We also got our first 4-D look at baby today.  He didn't want to stay still so it was hard to get a good picture but we got 1 which you can see.  Look at that nose and mouth - so cute!

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