Friday, February 25, 2011

January 1; 16 weeks 2 days

On December 31 I had been complaining of a stomachache all day.  It wasn’t terrible so I ignored it.  We went out for dinner on New Year’s Eve, came home, and went to sleep.  At around 3:00am I was woken up by excruciating stomach and back pains.  I moved downstairs to the couch and stayed there in pain until 9:00.  After 6 hours with no improvement, I finally woke up Marc.  We decided to call the doctor on call and he said we should go to the E.R. to find out what was going on.  So, Marc decided that we should go to UNC Hospital even though my Dr. was at Durham Regional.  He figured it would be faster and he’d have more access to whatever we needed.  At around 10:00 we arrived at the E.R. and Marc took me in the back entrance.  He briefly spoke to a nurse and then took me into an exam room where he ultra-sounded me himself; there are very few benefits to being a resident and you have to take advantage of them all!  We could see fetal movement but that wasn’t enough reassurance for me so we then went to the front of the ER and went through the proper channels.  At 1:00 we were released from the E.R. with a diagnosis of…..stretching pains!  It was a huge relief to find out that everything was fine and it was just my uterus expanding.  I can handle the pain, I just needed to know everything was OK.  We were very happy to be sent home with good news.  3 days later I knew the doctors were right - my stomach popped!  All of a sudden the long anticipated belly arrived!

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